Re-Thinking Missions
To most churches in America, the concept of missions is a few pictures on the church wall with mysterious pictures of people. Once a month they throw money to the images, hoping it does some good. Twenty years ago Bill and Kathy felt it was time to re-think missions.
Out of the Box
Founders Bill and Kathy Craver saw the need to re-think how churches, businesses and families partnered with global missions. They felt that missions should be something people could have a connection to.
DCI, A Model Program
It was a bold idea at the time, out of the box for most Christians, when the Craver’s developed DCI missions where today, professionals, ministry leaders and individuals find a way to personally connect with global missions work.
A Place to Belong
No longer is global missions just a few pictures on a wall, but world missions has become a place where you can go and be spiritually and physically connected. DCI’s ministry in the Mayan world is a place where people invest in people, you can know them personally. When sponsoring projects, it’s a place where you can go and personally see and touch the walls you have helped provide.
For the reasons above, DCI missions is growing and prospering. Through prayer, faith, and God’s grace, many souls will be added to the kingdom in the years to come.
To Host Bill & Kathy As Speakers
For six weeks during the spring & fall months, Bill & Kathy travel North America speaking at churches, conferences, and workshops. They have unique and fun ways of making God’s Word relatable. Throughout the year, they personally train and coach people at the Mayan Yucatan Base on how to effectively use their talents in ministry. Bill and his wife Kathy have been happily married for over 43 years, together having two children and six grandchildren.
To have them as speakers or be personally trained by the Cravers you can contact them through this website.
1. The Bible is the inspired and only infallible Word of God.
2. There is one true God, eternally existent in three persons:
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
3. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth,
in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death,
in His bodily resurrection,
in His ascension to the right hand of the Father,
in His personal future return to the earth in power and glory.
4. The only means of being cleansed from sin is through
faith in Jesus Christ.
5. Divine healing is available through the redemptive work of
Christ on the cross.
6. In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit who indwells in
Christians and enables them to live the abundant life.
7. True happiness comes by serving others,
having Christian friends and growing in faith.
641-208-629 "five" / 515-210-502 "four"